c++ programs examples

a.     Define constructor to initialize the data members.

b.     Define a virtual function to calculate area of the shape.

c.     Create derive classes rectangle and circle and implement area function.

Create objects and show the implementation of defined operations.

c++ programs examples

/* 9. Create a class Shape with two private data members.

      a. Define constructor to initialize the data members.

      b. Define a virtual function to calculate the area of the shape.

      c. Create derive classes rectangle and circle and implement area

            function. */




 #define pi 3.141

 class Shape



    char s_name[15];

    float s_area;




     strcpy(s_name,” “);



    void init(float a)




    virtual void input()              //virtual function


     cout<<endl<<“Enter Shape Name=”<<endl;



    void display()



     cout<<“Shape name=”<<s_name<<endl;

     cout<<s_name <<” “<<“Area=”<<s_area<<endl;




 class Rectangle:public Shape



   float length,width,r_area;






   void input()



    cout<<“Enter length=”<<endl;


    cout<<“Enter width=”<<endl;





   void display()





 class Circle:public Shape



   float radious,c_area;






   void input()



    cout<<“Enter radious=”<<endl;





   void display()





 void main()



  Rectangle r;

  Circle c;

  cout<<“>>>>> Rectangle <<<<<“<<endl<<endl;



  cout<<“>>>>> Circle <<<<<“<<endl<<endl;





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