C++ Program – Swap two numbers without using a 3rd variable using function with arguments.
C++ Program – Swap two numbers without using a 3rd variable using function with arguments. /* 15. Write a program to swap two numbers without using third variable using function…
C++ Program – Create a class Student with roll no, name and age as private data members.
a. Define two constructors to initialize the data members. b. Display the information of the class using object. /* 14. Create a class Student with roll no, name and age as private…
C++ Program to reverse a number using function with return type and arguments.
C++ Program to reverse a number using function with return type and arguments. /* 13. Write a program to reverse a number using function with return type and arguments. */…
C++ Program – Create a class Distance with feet and inches private data members.
a. Define constructor to initialize the data members. b. Define a function to add the data members. c. Display the result of the addition using object. /* 12. Create a class Distance with…
C++ Program to multiply two 2D arrays and display the 1st, 2nd and 3rd arrays in proper format
C++ Program to multiply two 2D arrays and display the 1st, 2nd and 3rd arrays in proper format /* 11. Write a program to multiply two 2-D arrays and display the 1st,…
C++ Program to concatenate two strings and find the length of the two strings
C++ Program to concatenate two strings and find the length of the two strings /* 10. Write a program to concatenate two strings and find the length of two strings.…
C++ Program – Create a class SHAPE with two private data members.
a. Define constructor to initialize the data members. b. Define a virtual function to calculate area of the shape. c. Create derive classes rectangle and circle and implement area function. Create objects and…
C++ Program to inherit class C from A and B, where A and B has Pure Virtual Functions
C++ Program to inherit class C from A and B, where A and B has Pure Virtual Functions /* 8. Write a program to inherit class C from A and…
C++ Program to inherit a class SALES from the class CUSTOMER and ITEM with related fields in a Departmental store
C++ Program to inherit a class SALES from the class CUSTOMER and ITEM with related fields in a Departmental store /* 7. Write a program to inherit a class SALES…
C++ Program to add weight of two objects using + operator overloading
C++ Program to add weight of two objects using + operator overloading /* 6. Write a program to add weight of two objects using + operatoroverloading*/ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class weight…